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Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Large Numbers

Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Large Numbers





by John Urban | Top Right News


Democrats facing a tough midterm election are on the warpath – doing everything in their power to stop Voter ID laws in their tracks. The Obama Department of Justice has declared war on Texas and South Carolina – inventing non-existent “racial discrimination” to block popular voter ID laws in those states.


Obama has dispatched Joe Biden and Bill Clinton to attack voter ID and declare it “racist”. And the NAACP is holding rallies against requiring ID at the polls (even though they actually required photo ID to attend of of their anti-photo ID rallies).


And always, we hear the bleating of activists that “there’s no significant voter fraud in America” . Meanwhile, Democrats officials (and their activist allies) are routinely caught committing it. And Roger Hedgecock detailed the extensive effort by the Democrats to commit massive fraud in California in his must-read piece, Stealing the Election of 2012.


And now, an exceptional reporter in Florida has uncovered shocking fraud in that state – registration and voting by non-citizens – which officials had no idea was occurring, since they are prohibited from asking immigration status under the fraud-machine called the Motor Voter Act of 1993.


One Naples voter admitted she was an illegal alien – but election records show she voted six times in the past eleven years.

Investigators found the voter after examining “jury excusal” forms where a person said they couldn’t serve because they were not U.S. Citizens. They took those names and found dozens of those people in the database of Florida registered voters.

Since investigators only checked a very small sample of jury forms, one can only imagine how many thousands, or tens of thousands of illegals statewide who may have voted since the Motor Voter law was passed in 1993.  Non-citizen voting is a Federal felony:

“This is under oath, that document, they are attesting that it is true and by falsifying, it’s a third degree felony,” said Tim Durham, Collier County’s deputy chief election supervisor.

The investigation revealed county supervisors of elections have no way to verify citizenship and are not required to ask for proof.




Van Hollen Town Hall Thoughts

On Thursday March 6th, Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen hosted a “town hall” to discuss issues with the general public.  One of the attendees was RMR & Associates President and CEO Robyn Sachs.  Robyn’s views on the event are below:



Hi Friends,

  A number of you asked about what happened at the Chris Van Hollen Town Hall last night. We did not get any good video but I will share with you my impressions and feel free to use any or all of it if you want to share with your groups:

  For the record, I’m a registered Democrat so I actually thought we might do some good through this meeting.

 Here goes:

My Town Hall meeting experience with Chris Van Hollen Last Night

(My overall feeling when I left the auditorium –) I’m offended, we are not all that stupid

  I attended the Chris Van Hollen Town Hall last night to, as they said on the invite, “express my concerns and ask questions because I represent you in Congress”. I’m a registered Democrat, I was actually hopeful that he meant it.

  Van Hollen then proceeded to lie for the next 2 hours. His prepared remarks covered 5 areas: 1) The Economy 2) the IRS targeting 3) Immigration Reform 4) Voting Rights and 5) Foreign Policy. The last hour of the meeting was Q&A. The handful of us who attended and wanted to ask important questions were avoided like the plague when they saw our hands raised. Rather then have a line-up where people could ask a question, they had “hired guns” with microphones picking and choosing who to call on, which was infuriating as many of us never got to speak. I finally shouted out a few things and that did get some response, but the format did not lend itself to hearing all concerns.

  One man sitting next to me, Lewis Porter, told me he witnessed massive Voter fraud in Baltimore City where he worked helping a candidate in 2012, he wanted to bring up the need for Voter I.D., but never got to ask his question.

  Overall, it was truly an affront to anyone who has been paying attention. The IRS Scandal was “silly, overzealous workers in Cincinnati who did stupid things”, What!? We now have e-mails disclosed this week that Lois Lerner, who took the 5th again this week, said “the Tea Party people are dangerous and we need to get those applications out of Cincy” — Does Chris Van Hollen not know this? Or was he just lying through his teeth? It was outrageous, I was just sitting there in amazement!

  Oh yes, and on “Immigration Reform” (as he called it), it’s very important you see, as “it will help the economy” per Van Hollen. Yet, when he talked about the Economy, he said “there are 3 people out there for every job” so that is why “it is imperative we extend unemployment benefits”. Yet in his Immigration talk, he said “We need to pass Immigration Reform because that will create more jobs and help the economy”. One audience member called him out on that hypocrisy and mentioned this conflict, Chris merely referred to a nonpartisan CBO Report. Really???

  I finally blurted out “how about enforcing the current laws”? He then stated the tired stat about Obama having more deportations, blah, blah, blah. I said “so why are ICE agents suing the Feds for not being able to do their jobs?” No real answer for that one.

  Folks, my overall impression is “the fix is in”. In my opinion, the points he covered really meant: 1) the Economy — More welfare and unemployment benefits are needed 2) IRS Targeting — Let the IRS Target our political enemies all they want 3) Immigration Reform — Import as many “future Democrats” as possible, while we still can, so we can win elections. 4) Voter Rights — Let anyone vote, whether they are eligible or not, voter rights actually means NO Voter I.D. at any cost, if not, YOU are a racist. 5) Foreign Policy — We are screwed as these are the people we’ve put into office to protect our National Security — YIKES!

  Overall, it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I have no faith whatsoever in our “Democratic Process”, the fix is in! I continue to feel our Republic is in great danger and it is time the American people wake up and get a clue. We need to start electing people who have integrity, I don’t care what party they are in, and we have to stop electing people who and will  lie to our faces and have -0- problem with that.

February issue of Election Integrity Maryland’s Guardian Newsletter

Election Integrity Maryland recently sent out the February issue of their Guardian Newsletter.  You can read the entire newsletter for yourself at the link below:



The FCC Wades into the Newsroom

Ajit Pai, commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission, recently wrote an interesting opinion article in the Wall Street Journal about how the Federal Government is pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.  You can read the entire article for yourself below:


The FCC Wades Into the Newsroom

Why is the agency studying ‘perceived station bias’ and asking about coverage choices?

By Ajit Pai


Feb. 10, 2014 7:26 p.m. ET


News organizations often disagree about what Americans need to know. MSNBC, for example, apparently believes that traffic in Fort Lee, N.J., is the crisis of our time. Fox News, on the other hand, chooses to cover the September 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi more heavily than other networks. The American people, for their part, disagree about what they want to watch.


But everyone should agree on this: The government has no place pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.


Unfortunately, the Federal Communications Commission, where I am a commissioner, does not agree. Last May the FCC proposed an initiative to thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country. With its “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,” or CIN, the agency plans to send researchers to grill reporters, editors and station owners about how they decide which stories to run. A field test in Columbia, S.C., is scheduled to begin this spring.


The purpose of the CIN, according to the FCC, is to ferret out information from television and radio broadcasters about “the process by which stories are selected” and how often stations cover “critical information needs,” along with “perceived station bias” and “perceived responsiveness to underserved populations.”


How does the FCC plan to dig up all that information? First, the agency selected eight categories of “critical information” such as the “environment” and “economic opportunities,” that it believes local newscasters should cover. It plans to ask station managers, news directors, journalists, television anchors and on-air reporters to tell the government about their “news philosophy” and how the station ensures that the community gets critical information.


The FCC also wants to wade into office politics. One question for reporters is: “Have you ever suggested coverage of what you consider a story with critical information for your customers that was rejected by management?” Follow-up questions ask for specifics about how editorial discretion is exercised, as well as the reasoning behind the decisions.


Participation in the Critical Information Needs study is voluntary—in theory. Unlike the opinion surveys that Americans see on a daily basis and either answer or not, as they wish, the FCC’s queries may be hard for the broadcasters to ignore. They would be out of business without an FCC license, which must be renewed every eight years.


This is not the first time the agency has meddled in news coverage. Before Critical Information Needs, there was the FCC’s now-defunct Fairness Doctrine, which began in 1949 and required equal time for contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues. Though the Fairness Doctrine ostensibly aimed to increase the diversity of thought on the airwaves, many stations simply chose to ignore controversial topics altogether, rather than air unwanted content that might cause listeners to change the channel.


The Fairness Doctrine was controversial and led to lawsuits throughout the 1960s and ’70s that argued it infringed upon the freedom of the press. The FCC finally stopped enforcing the policy in 1987, acknowledging that it did not serve the public interest. In 2011 the agency officially took it off the books. But the demise of the Fairness Doctrine has not deterred proponents of newsroom policing, and the CIN study is a first step down the same dangerous path.


The FCC says the study is merely an objective fact-finding mission. The results will inform a report that the FCC must submit to Congress every three years on eliminating barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and small businesses in the communications industry.


This claim is peculiar. How can the news judgments made by editors and station managers impede small businesses from entering the broadcast industry? And why does the CIN study include newspapers when the FCC has no authority to regulate print media?


Should all stations follow MSNBC’s example and cut away from a discussion with a former congresswoman about the National Security Agency’s collection of phone records to offer live coverage of Justin Bieber‘s bond hearing? As a consumer of news, I have an opinion. But my opinion shouldn’t matter more than anyone else’s merely because I happen to work at the FCC.

2013 Wastebook

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK), a ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, recently released his annual oversight report “Wastebook 2013” highlighting 100 examples of wasteful and low-priority spending totaling nearly $30 billion.  Some of the “highlights” from this year’s edition include:

  • Uncle Sam Looking for Romance on the Web – (NEH) $914,000

The Popular Romance Project has received nearly $1 million from the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) since 2010 to “explore the fascinating, often contradictory origins and influences of popular romance as told in novels, films, comics, advice books, songs, and internet fan fiction, taking a global perspective—while looking back across time as far as the ancient Greeks.”

  • Mass Destruction of Weapons – (Department of Defense) $7 billion

As the U.S. war effort in the Middle East winds to a close, the military has destroyed more than 170 million pounds worth of useable vehicles and other military equipment. The military has decided that it will simply destroy more than $7 billion worth of equipment rather than sell it or ship it back home.

  • Millions Spent Building, Promoting an Insurance Plan Few Want and a Website that Doesn’t Work – (Department of Health and Human Services) At least $379 million

With nearly half-a-billion dollars in government funding put behind promoting a product that relatively few people seem interested in purchasing off a website that doesn’t work, Obamacare is perhaps the biggest marketing flop since Coca-Cola introduced the world to “New Coke” in 1985.

  • Government Study Finds Out Wives Should Calm Down (NIH) $325,525

If your wife is angry at you and you don’t want her to stay that way, you might avoid passing along the findings of this government study. Wives would find marriage more satisfying if they could calm down faster during arguments with their husbands, according to government-funded research.

  • Fort Hood Shooter Continued to Collect Government Paycheck (Army) ($52,952 in 2013)

While the families of the survivors and victims were fighting to receive military benefits, the Fort Hood shooter Major Nadal Hasan was cashing his paycheck. Since the shooting, Hasan has received over $278,000 in military benefits because the Military Code of Justice doesn’t allow a soldier to be suspended until they are found guilty.

  • NASA Searches for Signs of Intelligent Life … in Congress – (NASA) $3 million

One of NASA’s next research missions won’t be exploring an alien planet or distant galaxy. Instead, the space agency is spending $3 million to go to Washington, D.C. and study one of the greatest mysteries in the universe—how Congress works.

  • Hurricane Sandy “Emergency” Funds Spent on TV Ads ($65 million)

In January 2013, Congress passed a bill to provide $60.4 billion for the areas devastated by Hurricane Sandy.  However, instead of rushing aid to the people who need it most, state-level officials in New York and New Jersey spent the money on tourism-related TV advertisements.

  • Federally Funded Solar Panels Covered at Manchester-Boston Airport Because the Glare Blinds Pilots and Controllers (FAA) – $3.5 million

When officials at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport in New Hampshire installed new solar panels, they did not anticipate one quarter of them would not be used 18 months later. In Spring 2012, the panels were placed on top of the airport’s parking garage, and 25 percent have remained there, covered with a tarp, rendering them useless. Problems with the new panels were noticed almost immediately by air traffic controllers who claimed that for 45 minutes each day, glare made it difficult to oversee the airport’s runways.

  • Need Brains!  Fighting Zombies with Pluses and Minuses — (NC) $150,000

A grant from NSF went to a company in North Carolina to develop a math learning game based on the zombie apocalypse.

  • NASA’s Little Green Man (NASA) — $390,000

Since NASA is no longer conducting space flights, they have plenty of time and money to fund a YouTube TV show and cartoon series called “Green Ninja” in which a man dressed in a Green Ninja costume teaches children about global warming.\

Obamacare and Voter Registration


Obamacare has a field included to sign-up people to register to vote with no controls whatsoever.  They don’t have to prove they are citizens or that they are who they say they are! This could be the biggest push to get ineligible people on the roles in history of our country!Below is an article from True the Vote on this topic:



HOUSTON, TX. October 31, 2013 True the Vote (TTV), the nation’s leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today releases the following statement on voter registration mechanisms in Obamacare:

  • Voter registration is but one of many aspects that will fundamentally transform thanks to Obamacare.
  • HHS doled out $67 million in grants to Planned Parenthood, NAACP and union locals to collect data for Obamacare enrollees.
  • A number of the grantees perform voter outreach exclusively for progressive/Democrat Party causes.
  • Navigators and sub-navigators are not prevented from mining data received on behalf of HHS/CMS.
  • Many of these navigator organizations have voiced strong support for complete federalization of elections – a constitutional responsibility left largely to state and local governments.

“Perhaps one of the worst consequences of Obamacare is the threat to America’s confidence in our electoral system, thanks to partisan ‘navigators,’” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said.

“We are witnessing the organized subsidization of partisan groups to collect sensitive information on every American possible, in the name of the Affordable Care Act. Political organizations like unions and Planned Parenthood have been given over $65 million dollars in grants by the American taxpayer to sign you up for Obamacare – when they’re not busy knocking on doors for Wendy Davis’ gubernatorial campaign.

“Voters must be made aware of what ‘no reasonable expectation of privacy’ truly means. Your information shared with these partisan navigators will be used in political activities. There exists no check against it.

“Too many Americans already believe their vote does not really matter. As they witness their personal information being used as a commodity to leverage political influence, voter apathy will rise to catastrophic levels. If too many Americans stop participating in the electoral process, will we have to federalize that too?”


True the Vote (TTV) is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) voters’ rights and election integrity organization, founded to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.

IRS handed out $132 billion in wrongful payments under low-income tax credit program

The Washington Examiner recently published an article on how the IRS handed out $132 billion in wrongful payments under low-income tax credit program.  You can read the article for yourself below:


IRS handed out $132 billion in wrongful payments under low-income tax credit program




The Internal Revenue Service has made “no significant improvements” toward ending massive improper payments under the Earned Income Tax Credit program, according to an audit released Tuesday, which shows the agency issued more than $132 billion in wrongful tax credits over the past decade.


It’s also “unlikely that the IRS will significantly reduce those improper payments in the future, in part because it does not want to discourage low-income earners who qualify from applying for the credit, according to the audit by the office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.


The IRS failed to implement required safeguards against improper tax credits and, as of 2012, was annually handing out at least $11 billion to those who did not qualify for the benefit, the audit showed


“And that is disturbing,” Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George said in a statement.


The IRS defended itself in a statement, noting that improper payments have declined since 2010 and that privacy laws hamper agency efforts to produce the quarterly reports on such payments.


“The IRS continues to work with [the Office of Management and Budget] to develop supplemental measures to better gauge the impact of IRS’ compliance and outreach efforts,” the statement said.


The Earned Income Tax Credit offsets income tax owed by low-income earners. But the audit found that about 21 percent of all refunds are “improper,” meaning they “should not have been made or were made in an incorrect amount.”


The 40-page audit, written on Aug. 28 but released nearly two months later because of confidentiality laws, measures the department’s compliance with the Obama administration’s 2009 executive order, “Reducing improper payments and eliminating waste in federal programs.”


Apparently the IRS is failing miserably at this task, particularly when it comes to the required quarterly reporting of questionable “high dollar” tax credits of more than $5,000. When auditors dug into those high-dollar refunds themselves, they found that improper payments remained rampant.


Auditors reviewed 60,793 high-dollar tax credit payments issued in 2009 alone and found that more than 10,400 payments worth $52.8 million should have been reported as improper high-dollar payments


The report concluded that overall, the IRS has not established annual targets to reduce improper payments.


The report found that the IRS has over the past decade wrongfully handed out as much as $132 billion in earned income tax credits, a situation not likely to improve soon.


The IRS blames “the complexity of the [Earned Income Tax Credit Program] as well as the need to balance the reduction of improper payments while still encouraging eligible individuals to use the credit,” the audit shows. The IRS actually works to ensure that as many low-income earners as possible know about the credit and apply for it, reaching out to more than 1.8 million taxpayers through print media, conference calls and radio interviews in Spanish and English.


The credit allows those who qualify to receive a lump sum payment when the Earned Income Tax Credit amount is more than what an individual or family owes in taxes.


Auditors recommended that the IRS develop a program to identify high-dollar improper payments. The IRS agreed to the recommendation, auditors said, and “will develop quarterly reports.”

57,000 ineligible voters

Recently, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch posted an article on how his organization is fighting for Election Integrity in the State of Virginia.  The article is a great read and can be found below:


JW and AEF File Friend of Court Brief in Support of Virginia’s Efforts to Clean Voter Rolls

Judicial Watch fighting for election integrity in Virginia

On Wednesday, JW and AEF announced the filing of an amicus curiae brief with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Alexandria Division in support of the Virginia Board of Election’s plan to remove as many as 57,000 voters deemed ineligible from the Virginia voter registration rolls in compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

Here’s the headline folks: Virginia Democrats are trying to make certain that individuals they surely know to be ineligible to vote are kept on the voter registration rolls! This remarkable effort demonstrates that liberals in Virginia will do anything to get their candidates elected – even if it means allowing votes from people who have no legal right to cast them.

According to the Judicial Watch-AEF amicus brief:

[The Democratic Party of Virginia], on the basis of almost no evidence, is asking this Court, sitting in equity, to issue an injunction that would retain and restore registrations that even the plaintiff believes to be invalid – thereby guaranteeing that Virginia’s voter rolls will become less accurate than they are at present.  On its face, this relief is unreasonable and should be denied.

Stating that “the State Board of Elections has incorporated reasonably defined and prudent procedures for removing invalid registrations,” the Judicial Watch/AEF amici brief specifically focuses on three basic arguments:

1.    Virginia Democrats presented almost no evidence to support a request for an injunction that would preserve tens of thousands of invalid registrations and actually restore the registrations of voters who no longer live in Virginia:

“While the [Virginia Democrats’] motion is long on innuendo, inference, and implication, it is remarkably short on evidence. Missing from the plaintiff’s complaint, from all of its supporting declarations and affidavits, and from its brief, is any reference to even a single instance where a voter was erroneously and permanently removed from Virginia’s voter rolls because of the IVRCP data or the procedures used by registrars.”

2.    Virginia’s implementation of the multi-state crosscheck data to identify ineligible voters incorporates numerous safeguards to protect all truly eligible voters:

“[Virginia Democrats] argue that the registrars are acting without standards in deciding when to remove registrations. In making this argument, the plaintiff repeatedly quotes the directive to ‘use your best judgment’ contained in an email from the Board of Elections to the registrars … But … that paragraph starts by directing registrars to ‘closely review the data provided against the identified individual’s voter registration and voter history in VERIS,’ the State’s voter registration database, and it instructs the registrars to determine if ‘the individual may have registered in Virginia after their registration in another state’ … Finally, federal and state laws concerning provisional ballots ensure that even a voter whose registration was improperly cancelled can still cast a ballot on Election Day.”

3.    Virginia has developed a model program that allows it to comply with federal laws requiring states to remove the registrations of voters who have moved to other states:

“Virginia’s participation in the [multi-state crosscheck effort] is an excellent example of reasonable, well-constructed and thoughtfully implemented program. The list generated by the multi-state comparison only indicates a duplicate if two records show a 100% match in first and last names, dates of birth, and the last four digits of a Social Security number. Yet, even where there is such a match, registrars have been counseled to review the database records for any indication that the match might be inaccurate, and to resolve any doubts by retaining a registration.”

On October 3, 2013, the Democratic Party of Virginia filed a motion for a preliminary injunction against the State of Virginia in an effort to prevent it from removing ineligible voters from its voter rolls. 

The Democratic Party alleges that the data used to conduct registration crosschecks with states participating in the Interstate Registration Crosscheck Program (IVRCP) is unreliable and that the procedures used by Virginia registrars to process the information generated are arbitrary. The Democratic Party lawsuit could force the state to restore voters deemed ineligible to its registration rolls while preventing any future use of the state’s IVRCP list to ensure that accurate voter registration rolls are maintained. With just weeks before elections, a hearing on the lawsuit is scheduled for today, October 18.
What is at stake here is whether the integrity of next month’s Virginia election is going to be marred by dirty voting rolls. Clean elections shouldn’t take a back seat to partisan politics.

And make no mistake. This is not just about Virginia. JW’s

Election Integrity Project is an ongoing 50-state campaign that has already prompted efforts in Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and many other places across the country.  

By the way, this amicus brief was filed by the head of JW’s election integrity campaign, Robert Popper, former Deputy Chief of the Voting Section at the Department of Justice and by J. Christian Adams, a former Trial Attorney in the Voting Section. 

And regarding our partners in this effort, if you have a moment, feel free to visit the AEF website for more information on the Allied Educational Fund. The Foundation has engaged in a number of projects which include, but are not limited to, educational and health conferences domestically and abroad. We are pleased that AEF has so frequently partnered with Judicial Watch to fight government and judicial corruption and promote a return to ethics and morality in the nation’s public life.

October issue of Election Integrity Maryland’s Guardian Newsletter

Election Integrity Maryland recently sent out the October issue of their “Guardian” Newsletter.  You can read the newsletter for yourself at the link below:




Finally a way you can make a difference

On September 12th, EFFE put out a notification to the database to alert people on how they could become involved with True the Vote (www.truethevote.org).  Below is the flyer with all the information: