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New Challenges to MD Voter Rolls

Election Integrity Maryland today dropped a press release on the 1463 new challenges to the Maryland State and Montgomery County Boards of Elections, which were set to be received on August 13, 2013.    You can read the entire release below:



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Election Integrity Maryland Announces Additional Challenges to Voter Rolls Submitted to the Maryland State and Montgomery County Boards of Elections

One of the Mid-Atlantic’s leading election integrity organizations continues the crusade for free and fair elections, accountability in electoral system

Rockville, MD – August 20, 2013 –  Election Integrity Maryland (EIM), one of the Mid-Atlantic’s leading election integrity organizations, announces today that it has sent more than 1,463 new challenges to the Maryland State and Montgomery County Boards of Elections, which were set to be received on August 13, 2013.

These most recent challenges center on irregularities in voter roll records that EIM uncovered in its most recent round of proactive voter registrationinvestigations. The challenges are submitted to the Boards of Elections at the State and County levels to alert election officials to identified irregularities in the voter rolls. They also underscore EIM’s vigilant efforts to contribute constructively to upholding of free and fair elections consistent with the legal regulations requiring Boards of Elections to maintain the most up-to-date voter records possible.

EIM President, Cathy Kelleher said: “We are pleased to present this latest round of challenges to the Boards of Elections at the State and County levels as aligned with ensuring free and fair elections and accurate voter rolls required by Federal law.” She also stated “EIM will continue to vigorously pursue irregularities in voter rolls as a way of supporting the Boards of Elections in their ongoing efforts to maintain voter integrity.”

The latest round of irregularities follows a previous 1,400 challenges to Baltimore City’s voter rolls submitted by EIM in June. By making key election officials aware of these errors and irregularities, EIM aims to continue to take a leading role in securing the accountability and integrity of the electoral system across the state of Maryland.

About Election Integrity Maryland (EIM)

Election Integrity Maryland (EIM) is a non-partisan, non-profit citizen initiative dedicated to upholding free and fair elections. As a501 (c)(4) organization, EIM exists to promote integrity throughout the voting process in Maryland, thereby enhancing the public’s confidence in its voting franchise in local, state and federal elections. EIM seeks to support the efforts of Maryland’s various Boards of Elections in their effort to maintain voter integrity, as well as the interests of Maryland voters. For more information about EIM, please visit: www.ElectionIntegrityMaryland.com

HUGE NEWS–Cases of Alleged Fraud in Florida, Maryland

True the Vote recently put out a press release regarding alleged voter fraud in the states of Florida and Maryland.  This is huge news that you need to read for yourself!  The press release regarding this information is below:



Logan Churchwell




HOUSTON,  TX. August 12, 2013 – True the Vote (TTV), the nation’s leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today announced new research findings of interstate voter fraud in Florida and Maryland. Florida and Maryland state election authorities and the U.S. Department of Justice were formally notified of 173 cases of voters casting ballots simultaneously in both states during federal elections.

“These 173 cases represent True the Vote’s continued effort to expose the fragility of our absentee voting systems,” True the Vote President, Catherine Engelbrecht said. “Last year Pew Research found that 2.75 million Americans were registered to vote in more than one state. We are unfortunately continuing to see the consequences of that startling statistic. True the Vote calls on Florida, Maryland and federal officials to investigate our latest research.”


Key Facts & Data Points

  • Voters were identified matching full name, date of birth and residential address.
  • True the Vote was able to study federal voting histories from 2006 to 2012.
  • Cases of double voting by cycle

o   2012: 10

o   2010: 9

o   2008: 17

o   2006: 137

  • Most common Florida counties (cases)

o   Escambia (28)

o   Clay (10)

o   Duval, Pinellas, Volusia (9)

  • Most common Maryland counties (cases)

o   Anne Arundel (33)

o   Montgomery (18)

o   Prince George’s (17)

  • 11 individuals double-voted in multiple federal election cycles.
  • 12 married couples were identified double voting, some in multiple cycles.


Federal and state laws were potentially violated as a result of these activities. Federal law, specifically 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(e) clearly states that voters cannot cast more than one ballot in the same election.


True the Vote’s research follows a series of similar findings in Florida, Ohio, New York and Rhode Island, triggering criminal investigations between the states in late 2012. TTV coordinated its research with Rockville-based Election Integrity Maryland.


Copies of the research referral letters to the U.S. Department of Justice, Florida Secretary of State and the Maryland State Board of Elections have been made available to the public.



True the Vote (TTV) a nonpartisan, voters’ rights and election integrity organization focused on preserving election integrity and is operated by citizens for citizens, to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.


Voto Honesto (TTV) es una organización sin fines de lucro, no partidaria, enfocada en preservar la integridad en las elecciones y operada por ciudadanos para ciudadanos, ara inspirar y equipar a voluntarios para envolverse en cada una de las etapas del proceso electoral. TTT capacita a organizaciones e individuos a través de la nación para activamente proteger los derechos de los votantes legítimos, sin importar a que partido político perteneces. Para más información, por favor visite www.votohonesto.org.



Election Integrity Maryland Fights to Remove “Dead” Voters

Election Integrity Maryland, an initiative with the goal of upholding free and fair elections, recently dropped a pres release on the fact that the State of Maryland’s Board of Elections is refusing to take “dead” voters off the voter rolls.  The press release can be found below:


The Maryland State Board of Elections Refuses to Take Dead Voters Off of the State Voter Rolls, Election Integrity Maryland Fights for Change to Instill Accountability in Electoral System


The State’s Election Board Not Complying with Section 8 of National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) Requirements, Places Election Fairness, Authenticity in Jeopardy


Rockville, MD – August 6, 2013 –  Election Integrity Maryland (EIM), one of the Mid-Atlantic’s leading election integrity organizations, announces today that it is continuing to push for serious attention to be paid to a staggering amount of fraudulent, inaccurate entries in current voter rolls despite continued rebuffs from the State’s Board of Elections.  In recent months, the thousands of inaccurate and fraudulent voter entries uncovered by EIM in their efforts to clean up Maryland’s voter rolls have  continually been ignored by the State’s Board of Elections, allowing these errors to continue to plague the current system and seriously affect the integrity and accuracy of political elections.

     EIM is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization modeled after the True the Vote initiative that is dedicated to the preservation of essential voter freedoms. As a key aspect of its work, EIM empowers citizen volunteers to take action and help to recognize and report fraudulent activity in the electoral system that, if left uncorrected, seriously corrupts outcomes, results, and activities at all levels of the political process across the United States. EIM’s research data is completely non-partisan and provides no details about a registrant’s race or ethnicity. Instead, the group is focused simply on the facts, and taking action to reduce as many instances of incorrect voters on the rolls as possible to effect positive change and more equitable outcomes for all Americans participating in the political process.

     Over the past two years EIM has researched more than 36,000 total voter registration records across Montgomery, Prince George’s, Baltimore, Wicomico, and Anne Arundel counties and Baltimore City, uncovering over 12,000 irregularities in the voter rolls requiring challenges be filed. Of these, more than 1,100 registered voters were deceased, many of whom were recorded as voting post-mortem. In addition, at least one voter was discovered to have registered to vote after their legally-recorded date of death. These errors were submitted to the state’s Board of Elections for review and removal, however, to-date they have been largely ignored and rebuffed and it is unknown if or to what extent they were investigated further by the State Prosecutor’s office.

Voter roll irregularities come in several forms, including:

  • Deceased voters who remain actively registered, some who appear to have cast ballots post-mortem;
  • Individuals with no history of voting activity for more than two consecutive federal cycles;
  • Registrations with incorrect or non-existent addresses;
  • Duplicate interstate and intrastate registrations; and
  • Individuals who have commercial addresses listed as their places of residence.

     All of these are well-known, documented occurrences that are continuing to plague the current voter rolls and overall system, not just in the state of Maryland, but across the country. As of yet, the Maryland State Board of Elections continues to ignore the data presented to them about current inaccuracies and voter fraud, and fails to make any concerted effort to clean up the voter rolls or make the positive changes necessary to improve the system for all voters, regardless of political party of position.  In one recent example, 26% of dead voters uncovered in the EIM’s research came from area nursing homes. In one such home, Collingwood Nursing Home in Rockville, MD, out of a total of 120 registered voters, 94 were deceased, many of them dead for a significant period of time. The Board of Elections continues to stonewall these challenges to inaccuracies in the current voter rolls, often citing the need to add further layers of bureaucracy and administrative hurdles to correcting these glaring errors.  Collingswood’s dead voters now show as inactive, but not removed for the most part.

     EIM’s President, Cathy Kelleher, is a passionate crusader for free and fair elections for all Americans. Among her beliefs and the central motto of EIM, “Election fraud strikes at the heart of our political system and threatens our freedom. When fraudulent votes cancel out legal votes, our rights as citizens, regardless of political party, are diminished.” Cathy states, “It is essential that we fight for free and fair elections across our country, as they are truly our American birthright. We encourage all Americans to join us in the cause to correct these glaring errors and help instill a culture of accountability in our electoral system.”

     A recent McClatchy-Marist Poll surveyed 1,204 adults of legal voting age by telephone in various regions across the country between July 15 and 18, 2013. Regions were surveyed in proportion to their population to reflect accurate voter sentiment around current Voter Rights Act issues. On the subject of voter ID in particular, 83% of nationwide voters polled expressed support for changes to be made to current voter laws to require individuals to present valid identification in order to vote. Other related initiatives, such as Same-Day Voter Registration, have been recently supported by the Maryland Board of Elections, however, such measures stand to further corrupt the integrity of voter rolls across the state, rather than improve them. Concerns about under-funding and lack of transparent management lead the common fears about switching to a same-day voting system in Maryland. 

About Election Integrity Maryland (EIM)

Election Integrity Maryland (EIM) is a non-partisan, non-profit citizen initiative dedicated to upholding free and fair elections. A 501 (c)(4) organization, EIM exists to promote integrity throughout the voting process in Maryland, thereby enhancing the public’s confidence in its voting franchise in local, state and federal elections.EIM seeks to support the efforts of Maryland’s various Boards of Elections in their effort to maintain voter integrity, as well as the interests of Maryland voters. For more information about EIM, please visit: www.ElectionIntegrityMaryland.com

Find out why ICE Agents, Border Security Agents and 80% of Sheriff’s are Against the Senate Immigration Bill

On FOX News on Saturday, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee interviewed Chris Crane, President of the National ICE Council.  In the interview, Crane gave a really great explanation of how the current Senate Immigration bill does not address 40% of our current problems, interior enforcement in the form of Visa overstays, in an easy to understand matter.  The entire video of Huckabee’s interview with Chris Crane can be found below:

Kill the Gang of 8 Bill

NiceDeb posted a blog today regarding the immigration reform proposal that the United States Senate will be voting on today (June 24th, 2013) at 5:30 pm.  This is the most sweeping reform the Senate has voted on in nearly 3 decades.  You can read the entire post from NiceDeb below:


Monday Morning Catch-up: Kill The Gang of 8 Bill


Ted Cruz, Red State: Latest “Deal” from the Senate: Pass Amnesty First, Read the Bill Later:

On Monday at 5:30pm, the United States Senate will vote on the most sweeping immigration reform proposal it has considered in almost 3 decades – and it will do so having only seen the nearly 1200 pages of text for approximately 72 hours.  Americans – including myself, my fellow senators and our staffs – are still trying to figure out exactly what is in the new Schumer-Corker-Hoeven “deal.”

Sound familiar?  Pass it to find out what’s in it?  Reminiscent of Obamacare, the lengthy amendment to replace the Gang of 8’s original bill was crafted behind closed doors and introduced late on Friday, after many members had left town.  In the 2007 immigration debate, close to 50 amendments were considered.  But this year, we have only debated 9 – with some of us being completely shut out.

Given only a weekend to review the language, we will now vote on whether to end a debate that never really began.   To be clear – this is not a difficult vote.   On process alone, we should all vote “no.“  This was by design – the President, Harry Reid and the Gang of 8 preferred all along to ram through a “deal,” and not have a real debate – just like Obamacare.  Worse, just like Obamacare, the “deal” involved lots of horse-trading and buying off of votes at the last minute – a display of everything that is wrong with Washington, and one of the things I specifically campaigned against.

But, on substance – the vote is even easier.   There are too many troubling provisions of the bill to list, such as de facto affirmative action hiring for current illegal immigrants due to Obamacare and huge amounts of discretion for the DHS Secretary to waive deportation and inadmissibility.   And for all the talk, the new Schumer-Corker-Hoeven “deal” is nothing new at all.  It’s the same amnesty-before-false-promise-of-security of the Gang of 8 and the bills of debates past.

That is why we started this petition, so that Americans can speak out and let Senators know that they oppose the legalization-first bill offered by the Gang of 8 and Schumer-Corker-Hoeven.

Finish reading at the link…

Michelle Malkin: Mass illegal alien amnesty violates our founding principles

The U.S. Constitution does not say that the paramount duty of government is to “Celebrate Diversity” or to “embrace multiculturalism” or to give “every willing worker” in the world a job. The Premable to the U.S. Constitution does not say the Republic was established to keep illegal alien families together, provide illegal alien college tuition discounts, or promote immigrant welfare magnets. It says the Constitution was established “to provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.”

Our founding fathers recognized that fulfilling these fundamental duties is impossible without an orderly immigration and entrance system that discriminates in favor of those willing, as George Washington put it, to “get assimilated to our customs, measures, [and] laws.”

Assimilation, not amnesty, is at the heart of the American experiment.

And “secure the border, period” — not “secure the border first” as a pesky precondition to a mass illegal alien bailout — is an ongoing, never-ending obligation of our government.

Border security is not something you finish and hastily check off a list in order to move on to another politically correct campaign promise. It is the most basic duty of government and it remains the federal government’s biggest failure.

The Hill: Sessions: Opposition to border security amendment will grow:

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), an outspoken critic of the Senate immigration reform bill, predicted Sunday that GOP opposition to the measure will grow as lawmakers learn more of its details.


John Hayward, The Conversation: Marco Rubio makes his case for immigration reform:

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote an article for Human Events today, defending his immigration reform proposals.  A sample, in which he discusses the border security provisions of the Corker-Hoeven amendment:

The Republican Border Surge Plan was developed with input from border patrol officials, border state officials, and security experts. It stipulates that no illegal immigrant can even apply to become a legal permanent resident of the U.S. until at least ten years have elapsed and until five security triggers are achieved.

Liz Sheld, The Conversation: Rubio Image Drops 15pts this Year Among GOP Voters:

Marco Rubio (R-FL) has seen his favorables drop over the course of the year, according to a new Rasmussen Report poll.  Fifty-eight percent of GOP voters have a favorable opinion of Rubio in these latest figures. Those numbers are “down 10 points since May and 15 points since February. Sixteen percent (16%) of GOP voters have an unfavorable opinion of him, while 25% are undecided.”


After Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) admitted the amendment he and Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) offered to the immigration bill will not improve immigration law enforcement, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) National Council president Chris Crane told Breitbart News he is shocked lawmakers would still want to pass the bill.

“So that’s the answer from U.S. Senators,” Crane, an ICE agent and a former marine, told Breitbart News exclusively on Sunday morning. “They know the bill is bad but plan to pass it anyway? With billions of taxpayer dollars to be spent and the safety of the public on the line, Senators plan to pass the buck to the House with hopes they might fix it? Anti-enforcement special interests have succeeded in pressuring the Senate from doing what’s best for America. This is why America has lost faith in its lawmakers.”

Points and Figures: Immigration Bill Almost Done:

The gang of 8 in the Senate wants a cloture vote on immigration.  They shouldn’t, because the bill isn’t very good.  It’s another lesson in how the sausage is made in Washington DC.

Clearly, the US needs high quality immigrants to come here.  We want to be that shining city on the hill, and a destination country for people all over the world.  One of the portfolio companies I invested in, Brilliant, identifies those immigrants.  Stories like the one I wrote about yesterday are the epitome of the American Dream.

But, this bill stinks. It’s full of loopholes and special interests.   It plays politics.  The guys at Powerline do a great job analyzing it.

Gateway Pundit: Rand Paul on Immigration Reform: Without Security Triggers, ‘I Can’t Support Final Bill’ (Video):

Senator Rand Paul told liberal CNN host Candy Crowley on State of the Union he will not vote for the immigration bill.

“We’ve thrown a lot of money at a lot of problems in our country. To me, what really tells me that they’re serious is to let Congress vote on whether the border is secure. If the people in the country want to be assured that we will not get another ten million people to come here illegally over the next decade, they have to believe that they’re going to vote through their Congress.”

Heritage: 10 Problems with the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill:


Gateway Pundit: Enough Is Enough… ‘Gang of 8′ Members Jeff Flake & John McCain Face Recall Petitions:

You can sign the petitions here and here.

John Ransom, Townhall: The White House Beatings to Continue Until Morale Improves:

You can always count on the White House to react strongly to “internal” threats.

Yes, the folks who could care less who is blowing up whom in Syria, Libya or Boston, takes people who snitch on them very seriously.

Their newest weapon is a program called “Inside Threat,” which, according to McClatchy, is designed not to just to clamp down on classified leaks, but rather to make sure ANY unauthorized disclosure of ANY information that make them look bad will leave a mark on the miscreant leaker.

Given the proclivities of the administration to impale themselves on the sharp edge of many of their policies, it’s no wonder they have no time for the economy, jobs, the war in Afghanistan, the immigration reform, budgets, national security briefings and all the other effluvia of governing.

What with vacations and stopping the whistle blowers, time is short.

“President Barack Obama’s unprecedented initiative, known as the Insider Threat Program,” writes McClatchyDC.com, “is sweeping in its reach. It has received scant public attention even though it extends beyond the U.S. national security bureaucracies to most federal departments and agencies nationwide, including the Peace Corps, the Social Security Administration and the Education and Agriculture departments. It emphasizes leaks of classified material, but catchall definitions of ‘insider threat’ give agencies latitude to pursue and penalize a range of other conduct.”

It’s received scant attention because the media, which makes money to report this type of abuse of power, is hoping still that Bo loves them, even though they have had some tiffs of late.

Just like the wife who excuses the abusive husband, they’ve deluded themselves that really, come on, he means well.

Legal Insurrection: Monday is Lawmageddon:

1.  Zimmerman Trial Opening Statement and Prosecution case– 9 a.m.

We’ll have our live coverage, including video embed and live Twitter stream, as well as commentary during the day and in an end-of-day wrap up from Andrew Branca.  If you haven’t seen his coverage so far, you’ve missed out.

2.  Supreme Court — 10 a.m.

We almost certainly will get one of the big 4 decisions from the Supreme Court — Gay Marriage/DOMA, Voting Rights Act, Affirmative Action.

I’m guessing Voting Rights Act. We’ll have coverage as decisions are released starting at 10 a.m.

3.  Senate Amnesty Vote — 5:30 p.m..

This is an attempt by Democrats aided and abetted by anywhere from 10-15 Republicans, to damage the rule of law by rewarding law-breakers and making fools of law-abiders, and giving Janet Napolitano sweeping power to disregard the law in her discretion.

LifeSite News: Planned Parenthood sues to block Kansas law telling mothers baby is ‘separate, unique, living human’:

An abortionist and his local Planned Parenthood affiliate sued in federal court Thursday to stop a law that would tell women considering abortion that an unborn child is not a part of her own body and that unborn children can feel pain by the third trimester of pregnancy.

Abortionist Orrin Moore, director of the Overland Park Planned Parenthood, sought to block a provision of the Kansas 2013 Pro-Life Protections Act that requires abortionists to inform mothers who seek abortions that they are ending the life of a “whole, separate, unique, living human being.”

According to Moore, the statement that an abortion terminates the life of a separate human being is “a misleading statement of philosophical and/or religious belief.”

He claims in his lawsuit that the law violates his First Amendment right to free speech by forcing him to say something he personally believes to be untrue.

If I want to call the moon the sun – that’s my First Amendment right, dammit. And no one is allowed to tell me otherwise, or they’re infringing on my rights!

Weasel Zippers: Obama Family’s $100 Million Trip To Africa Among Most Expensive Presidential Trips Ever…

To give you an idea how expensive this is, Bill Clinton’s most expensive trip cost taxpayers $63.5 million, which is $36.5 less than Obama’s.

Via US News:

President Obama’s trip to Africa starting Wednesday is drawing criticism for its vast expense, estimated at up to $100 million, but presidential travel has become an easy target for critics over the years no matter who is in the White House.

President Bill Clinton was roundly criticized for making his own Africa trip in 1998. The cost of the visit, which was considered excessive at the time, was $42.7 million, according to the Government Accountability Office, and that tabulation didn’t include Secret Service expenses.

Clinton’s trip to Asia in 2000 was even more expensive, and Clinton was a lame duck then, only months away from leaving office. His Asia visit cost taxpayers $63.5 million. This included not only the expenses for operating Air Force One but for more than 60 other aircraft to transport U.S. personnel and equipment halfway around the world. […]

Democrats love to spend our money, don’t they?



District of Corruption

Below is a blog post from May 31st by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch discussing the National Television premiere of Judicial Watch’s documentary film District of Corruption.  You can read the entire post below:


JW’s Hard-Hitting Documentary District of Corruption to Broadcast Nationally on June 17, 2013 on AXS TV

This morning I was on Fox and Friends to announce a wonderful development for Judicial Watch’s public education mission. In just a few weeks, we are going to take another major leap forward in exposing the truth about Obama corruption – and DC corruption generally – to the American people.

On June 17, 2013, our hard-hitting feature documentary film District of Corruption will receive its national television premiere at 8:00 p.m. ET, with an encore performance at 11:00 p.m., on the AXS TV network, reaching 41 million households. Additionally, HDNet Movies will air the documentary this fall.

Our film, you may recall, is written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon, the writer/director of Occupy Unmasked and the Sarah Palin film The Undefeated. It is produced in association with Constant Motion Entertainment and co-produced by Dan Fleuette.

(District of Corruption is a companion piece to my New York Times best-selling book, The Corruption Chronicles, Obama’s Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government, which was released in July 2012 by Simon & Schuster’s Threshold Editions.)

As I say, the film’s television premiere comes at a time of increased public attention to corruption scandals inside the Obama administration.

Benghazi-gate, the Department of Justice and IRS scandals are grabbing the headlines. They represent the latest examples of the D.C. corruption crisis. But anyone who wants to truly understand the truth about this and more must look behind today’s headlines. And that is why our film is so important.

District of Corruption is the most sweeping attempt to date to examine political corruption – in both political parties. And make no mistake; this film is as factual and compelling a film on this out-of-control Obama administration as you will see. We are grateful to our partners at AXS TV for providing a platform to reach and educate millions of Americans.

AXS TV Chairman Mark Cuban, for his part, believes the film will certainly be a conversation starter: “There is an enormous amount of public interest in the subject of political corruption, so I’m confident that District of Corruption will find an audience on our network.  The film is dynamic and unsparing of politicians all across the board.  District of Corruption is bound to get Americans talking.”

The film chronicles Judicial Watch’s epic battles against corruption through three presidential administrations (Clinton, Bush, Obama), focusing most intensely on the current administration’s scandals, including: Operation Fast and Furious; crony capitalism; Solyndra and other “green energy” projects; federal bailouts and earmarks; ACORN and voter fraud; illegal alien amnesty; and threats to the integrity of the 2012 elections; as well as new attacks on government transparency and accountability.

The film traces the arc of government corruption and secrecy from the Clinton administration through the Bush years to the current corruption and transparency crises of the Obama years.

“We decided from the outset that we could not and would not pull a single punch in making this film,” said District of Corruption Director Stephen K. Bannon. “To play favorites or to avoid naming names would have completely undermined our objective. This film goes far beyond high-adrenaline, emotionally compelling entertainment. This is about saving our institutions of government from the corruption and cronyism that threatens their existence. We intend to initiate a seismic shift in the public policy and cultural landscape.”

I will be sure to keep you up to date on the broadcast days and times for District of Corruption as best I can in this space. But be sure to check the film website frequently for updates (www.DistrictOfCorruptionMovie.com). And to see the latest trailer, click here.

Top Cop Totally Corrupt

Tom Fitton’s publication, Judicial Watch, recently posted an article on Attorney General Eric Holder and the myriad of acquisitions out against him.  You can read the article for yourself below to see the reasons why Fitton says we should “Dump Holder”:

Holder’s Seat Burning Hot Following Press Revolt, Perjury Accusations

When Barack Obama first nominated Eric Holder for the position of Attorney General, Judicial Watch was outspoken in its criticism. In fact, take a look at a letter we sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee opposing the nomination at the time.

Mr. Holder’s record demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons. On his watch at the Clinton Justice Department, the pardon process was upended and corrupted by a “pay to play” mentality. This undermined, in the least, the appearance of the fair administration of justice by the Justice Department. Mr. Holder is the wrong person to head the Department of Justice.
I wish I could tell you we were wrong. But, after four years of some of the most egregious scandals in the history of the country – many of them originating from within the nation’s highest law enforcement agency – our words have proven prophetic. From Fast and Furious to the Black Panthers to encouraging voter fraud this has been the most corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ) in modern U.S. history.

And now, in the wake of a scandal in which the DOJ collected the private email correspondence of reporters, seized their phone records and tracked their movements as part of an investigation of leaks, Eric Holder has lost his biggest defender – the press itself.

Last week you will recall that President Obama directed Eric Holder to meet with the Washington, D.C., bureau chiefs of major news outlets to discuss the administration’s subpoena policies. The move was a clear attempt by Obama to change a narrative that had done significant damage to the White House.

But when the administration announced those discussions would be “off the record,” the wheels came off the wagon. Per CNN:

Attorney General Eric Holder’s plans to sit down with media representatives to discuss guidelines for handling investigations into leaks to the news media have run into trouble.

The Associated Press issued a statement Wednesday objecting to plans for the meetings to be off the record. “If it is not on the record, AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations should be updated in an open letter,” said Erin Madigan White, The AP’s media relations manager.

The New York Times is taking the same position. “It isn’t appropriate for us to attend an off-the-record meeting with the attorney general,” executive editor Jill Abramson said in a statement.

CNN announced in the article that it would also decline, along with The Huffington Post. As of this writing only Politico signaled its intent to participate.

Making matters worse for Holder, news of the press revolt came at a time when House Republicans sent a letter to the attorney general “expressing ‘great concern’ about the possibility that Holder lied under oath during his testimony earlier this month on the DOJ’s seizing of journalists’ records.”

According to CBS News:

On May 15, Holder told the committee he wasn’t involved in “the potential prosecution” of a member of the press under the Espionage Act for disclosing classified information. “This is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy,” he said.

Shortly thereafter, reports began to surface that the Justice Department, in addition to seizing telephone and email records of Associated Press reporters, had seized the emails and phone records of Fox News correspondent James Rosen. While Holder had recused himself from the AP proceedings, the Washington Post reported that the attorney general had personally signed off on the search warrant for Rosen’s records.

In the search warrant, the FBI called Rosen a “criminal co-conspirator” and suggested there’s probable cause that he violated federal law. Rosen was not charged with any crime.  I don’t see how one could reasonably parse Holder’s statement as accurate or forthcoming.

The Daily Caller reported this week that Attorney General Eric Holder felt “a creeping sense of personal remorse,” aides say, after it was revealed that the DOJ had seized Rosen’s emails.

I wonder if Barack Obama has experienced a “creeping sense of personal remorse” for installing Holder in office.

As I say, this is not the first time Holder has been accused of lying, or best case scenario, “artfully testifying” before Congress.

On March 1, 2011, Holder testified to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies: “The decisions made in the New Black Panther Party case were made by career attorneys in the department. And beyond that, you know, if we’re going to look at the record, let’s look at it in its totality.”

Not true. In a July 23 ruling, Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in response to Judicial Watch’s effort to obtain attorneys’ fees from the DOJ for stonewalling the release of documents pertaining to the NBPP scandal:

The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision. Surely the public has an interest in documents that cast doubt on the accuracy of government officials’ representations regarding the possible politicization of agency decisionmaking.

Holder has a demonstrated record of dishonesty and contempt for the rule of law.  He is the poster child for Obama corruption.  Judicial Watch has been pushing an effort to “Dump Holder” for some time now.  I suggest you support this effort and echo it with your elected representatives, your personal networks, and the media.  We, in the meantime, will continue to battle Holder’s DOJ lawyers in court to get information on the details of lawlessness in order to hold him accountable.

These are troubled times for the country. With approximately one-third of congressional committees investigating scandals inside the Obama administration, Judicial Watch’s work is more important now than ever. And that is why I am pleased to report a bit of good news as we seek to expose the truth about Washington corruption – which did not begin (and will not end) with the Obama administration.


True the Vote Files Suit Against the IRS

True the Vote, the nation’s leading voters’ rights organization, recently filed suit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seeking damages for the unlawful actions by the IRS in the processing of its application for exempt status. Below is a letter to True the Vote readers from their President, Catherine Engelbrecht on Tuesday May 21st, as well as the article describing the lawsuit:



I wanted to alert you to breaking news about True the Vote and our ongoing fight with the IRS. We’ve been harassed and jumped through hoops for three years – and now the nation knows our story.

Today, we took action.

True the Vote’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the IRS in Washington this morning. Our demands are simple: give TTV an answer to our tax-exempt application, and tell us who knew we were being targeted.

We have proven over the years that citizen engagement can change the way we operate our elections for the better. Today, we’re taking our culture of accountability straight to the heart of Washington.

This is going to be a major fight – but the truth will come out in court.

I need your help.  Please click here to support our lawsuit.

We could not have picked a bigger fight – please let me know that you stand with us.



Catherine Engelbrecht


HOUSTON, TX. May 21, 2013True the Vote (TTV), the nation’s leading voters’ rights organization, filed suit in federal court in Washington today against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), asking the Court to grant its long-awaited tax exempt status and seeking damages for the unlawful actions by the IRS in the processing of its application for exempt status.  ActRight Legal Foundation, a 501(c)3 fundamental rights and public interest law firm represents True the Vote in the lawsuit.

“We’ve been waiting for three years to receive a decision from the IRS about our tax exempt status,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said. “After answering hundreds of questions and producing thousands of documents, we’re done waiting. The IRS does not have the power to pocket veto our application. Federal law empowers groups like True the Vote to force a decision in court – which is precisely what we aim to do.”

True the Vote is dedicated solely to promoting election integrity in our Republic,” Engelbrecht said.  “Our mission is to educate Americans on all of the rights they enjoy as voters. We do not pick winners and losers, but instead fortify the voting process so that it is fair and free. If this goal is deserving of such scrutiny, then we have serious questions that we, as a nation, must face,” she added.

Cleta Mitchell, counsel to True the Vote and of counsel to ActRight Legal Foundation, stated, “We are not going to allow the IRS to claim, as it has been doing in the past week, that the targeting of conservative groups is over and ‘everything has been fixed.’   It is not yet fixed and this litigation is a vital step both to resolve True the Vote’s status and to learn exactly what happened inside the IRS.”

True the Vote’s lawsuit consists of three counts:

Count One:  Seeks recognition of True the Vote as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization pursuant to  26 USC § 7428.

Count Two:  Seeks damages and injunctive relief from the IRS and IRS employees and agents, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971), for violation of True the Vote’s constitutional rights by virtue of the actions of the government in unlawfully targeting and delaying recognition of True the Vote’s exempt status.

Count Three:   Seeks damages and injunctive relief against the IRS and IRS employees, pursuant to 26 USC § 7431, for their unlawful intrusions into True the Vote’s activities by requiring the filing of voluminous materials with the IRS, then unlawfully inspecting and potentially disseminating the information.

“This is just the first of several cases ActRight Legal Foundation plans to file against the IRS and those within the agency who have violated the constitutional rights of these citizens’ organizations,” said Dr. John Eastman, Chairman of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence and of Counsel to ActRight Legal Foundation.

To read the complaint filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, click here.


True the Vote (TTV) a nonpartisan, voters’ rights and election integrity organization focused on preserving election integrity and is operated by citizens for citizens, to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.

Voto Honesto (TTV) es una organización sin fines de lucro, no partidaria, enfocada en preservar la integridad en las elecciones y operada por ciudadanos para ciudadanos, ara inspirar y equipar a voluntarios para envolverse en cada una de las etapas del proceso electoral. TTT capacita a organizaciones e individuos a través de la nación para activamente proteger los derechos de los votantes legítimos, sin importar a que partido político perteneces. Para más información, por favor visite www.votohonesto.org.

ActRight Legal Foundation protects the fundamental rights of individuals and charities to pursue their callings. To learn more, visit www.actrightlegal.org.


CBS, ABC Presidents Have Siblings Working for Obama

Newsmax, an Independent Political website recently released an article mentioning that the presidents of both ABC and CBS have siblings who work in the Obama campaign.  You can read the entire article and view the accompanying video below:


CBS, ABC Presidents Have Siblings Working for Obama

Sunday, 12 May 2013 03:17 PM

By Greg Richter



The presidents of ABC News and CBS News have siblings who work in the Obama administration and are involved with Benghazi.

Political consultant Richard Grenell told “Fox News Watch” that the ties raise concerns as to why the mainstream media has not more aggressively pursued the story.

Story continues below video.

“I think the media’s becoming the story, let’s face it,” Grenell said. “CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the (National Security Council) on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi. Let’s call a spade a spade.”

Latest: Is Obama in Cover-Up on Benghazi? Vote Here

Rhodes’ brother, Ben, is President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communication, and Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is Obama’s special assistant, Newsbusters reports.

Additionally, CNN deputy bureau chief Virginia Moseley is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides, Grenell noted. “It is time for the media to start asking questions why are they not covering this. It’s a family matter for some of them.”

Nides is deputy secretary of state for management and resources.

ABC reported Friday that Rhodes, brother of the CBS News president, was key to revising the talking points that were issued after the attack and are under scrutiny from a House subcommittee.

CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson has come under fire from her own employer for allegedly “wading dangerously close to advocacy on” Benghazi.”


True the Vote Wins Settlement with St. Lucie County

True the Vote, a nonpartisan organization focused on preserving election integrity, recently put out a press release announcing their settlement with St. Lucie County, Florida regarding records inspection rights under federal law and the Florida Constitution.  You can read the release in its entirety below:





Access to all ballots and registration information has been granted to True the Vote for citizen-led audit of the 2012 contest for Florida’s 18th Congressional District


HOUSTON, TX. May 7, 2013 True the Vote (TTV), the nation’s leading voters’ rights organization, today announced its settlement with the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections regarding records inspection rights under federal law and the Florida Constitution. The agreement provides True the Vote access to all ballots, registrations, and other election related data necessary to conduct an audit of a federal election in Florida’s 18th congressional district. The audit is unprecedented in that it will be led not by government entities or political parties, but by concerned citizens.


True the Vote  can now begin reconstruction and review of the 18th Congressional District election race between Colonel Allen West and Patrick Murphy,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said. “We must stop this scandalous cycle of ignoring failures in our electoral process when the campaigns and cameras go home. Understanding how failures in administration can effect elections, as we saw in St. Lucie County, will help prevent them from occurring in the future. We cannot allow slipshod standards to become pandemic across our country’s election processes – citizens can and will stand up in defense of election integrity.”  


“This settlement grants True the Vote all of the records we originally requested, without any adverse impacts to St. Lucie County taxpayers. The real work toward understanding exactly what happened before, during and after the 2012 18th Congressional District race can finally begin.”


A key component to the settlement agreement was to permit access to information dating back to January of 2009. Such information will help evaluate efforts to maintain voter rolls, both before and after federal election cycles.


“Since 2009 to present, Washington has made clear that it doesn’t have any interest in seeing that voter rolls are maintained – we must fully study how that can affect a close congressional race,” True the Vote attorney J. Christian Adams said. “This case is unique because it was directly impacted by the Holder Justice Department’s attempt to block the State of Florida’s efforts to remove ineligible persons from the voter rolls ahead of the 2012 General Election. This settlement will lead my client to answers, finally.”


The agreement between True the Vote and St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker allows for sharing of records that pertain directly to the 2012 contest, in addition to election administration files dating back to January 2009. An abbreviated list of records includes:

  • 2012 voter credit documents;
  • completed voter registration forms;
  • copies of all regular and provisional ballots cast (including provisional notices);
  • documents pertaining to federal list maintenance requirements since 2009 (including felon and non-citizen records);
  • all documentation for those trained as poll and tabulation workers for the 2012 contest.

The settlement came as a result of a lawsuit after requests to inspect election records were not immediately addressed (True the Vote, Inc. v. Gertrude Walker in her official capacity as St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, Civil Action (No 2:13cv14046.)). TTV chose to perform a comprehensive audit of the 2012 election and subsequent recount between incumbent Allen West and Patrick Murphy after reports of errors and inaccurate tabulations were admitted to.


True the Vote originally filed its complaint in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida – Fort Pierce Division.

To read the complete settlement agreement between
True the Vote and St. Lucie County, click here.


True The Vote (TTV) a nonpartisan, nonprofit grassroots organization focused on preserving election integrity is operated by citizens for citizens, to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit www.truethevote.org.


Voto Honesto (TTV) es una organización sin fines de lucro, no partidaria, enfocada en preservar la integridad en las elecciones y operada por ciudadanos para ciudadanos, ara inspirar y equipar a voluntarios para envolverse en cada una de las etapas del proceso electoral. TTT capacita a organizaciones e individuos a través de la nación para activamente proteger los derechos de los votantes legítimos, sin importar a que partido político perteneces. Para más información, por favor visite  www.votohonesto.org.   

